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Upcoming Trainings & Dates:

Kids Yoga Teacher Training



This 20-Hour kids yoga teacher training is led by energetic, passionate and experienced educators and kids yoga business owners who have put their very best strategies, tips, techniques and ideas for teaching yoga to kids into an action-packed, experiential training designed around the way kids love to play and learn. This training teaches the fundamentals of how to teach yoga to kids, from toddlers to tweens, in a variety of settings! You will leave truly ready to bring what you learn to the kids in your life the very next day!


*To fulfill the 20 hour training requirements, some at-home work will include attending adult yoga classes, reading material, and reflection. Specific instructions and resources will be offered upon registration.


This two-day training is great for:

  • classroom teachers & school specialists

  • yoga instructors who want to work with kids

  • parents, nannies & other caregivers

  • professionals who work with kids in classes, clinics, libraries, etc


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**This training is created by a verified YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider) and can be used as continuing education hours for Registered Yoga Teachers through Yoga Alliance. See our trainings page on Yoga Alliance for more information.

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New trainings, new cities, and new dates will be added soon! Sign up for updates below!

We'll keep you posted!

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Training dates

Questions? Comments? Location Suggestions? Contact Jamie and Erin!


We'll be in touch!

Brain to Belly Kids Yoga               little om BIG OM

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Meet Me in Child's Pose is a collaboration between two heart-centered kids yoga businesses with nearly two decades of experience bringing yoga and mindfulness to thousands of children!




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